What’s up Family!

Glory be to God for letting us see another day!  It’s been a while since I’ve  written last so I just wanted to check in with you. 

I went to my doctor for a checkup.  She ordered bloodwork and after she reviewed the results, she told me I needed to make a lifestyle change.  This was something I already knew but hearing it from a medical professional made it more urgent.  I’m not ignorant about healthy eating but I haven’t always complied.  When I think about the times in my life when I was in my best physical shape, I followed a diet that consisted mainly of lean meats, vegetables and lots of water.  Junk food, sugary drinks and anything white was a no-no.   Why was I able to stick to the eating plan then?  Why is it more difficult now for me to eat clean?  In my case the difference is when I following the diet I was also boxing.  I was seriously committed to my training and I wanted to give myself the best chance to be successful in the ring.  I believed following the specified diet was crucial to my success.   My decision to eat healthy foods was really about me being the best athlete I could be.

Now that I’m no longer having to train for an upcoming fight my motivation has to change.  My why’s, my reasons for exercise and healthy eating have to be reconsidered.  My former why’s seem shallow compared to my new why’s.  I told you the only reason I ate right and exercised  regularly was so that I could compete athletically on a professional level.   Now my why’s are God, my wife, my children and grandchildren.

I want to be healthy so that I do the work the Lord is calling me to do.  The Lord has been good to me!  I know I can never repay Him for all He has done for me.  It’s my desire to serve God’s people all over the world.  The healthier I am the more I can meet the physical demands of service.  I heard my pastor say that our strength is for service.  So the stronger I am the more I can serve. 

I want to live!  I want to grow old with my wife.  I see us well into our nineties sitting in rocking chairs on the front porch drinking iced tea to cool off after a 10-mile hike.  I want to be a good example for my children.  I want them to look at me and say if Dad can live a healthy life then so can I.  I want to live to see my grandchildren become adults and have their own families.  I want to live  so with God’s help I can build a legacy for my children that gives them freedom to pursue their dreams and careers.  I want to live to put in good work that will allow me to leave a rich inheritance to future generations (Prov 13:22). 

What is impossible for man is not impossible for God.  The bible says “…with God all things are possible.” (Matt 19:26)  With God we can do the impossible and reach milestones that seem unattainable.  With God we can turn our lives around.  With God we can transform our minds and our bodies into machines equipped to serve and spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ all over the world.

May the peace of God, which passes all understanding, keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. (Phil 4:7)
