What’s up Fam!

I pray this letter finds you well and I hope all is good with you and your family. The past couple of months have been crazy! At the beginning of the year I would have never imagined that the world would be hit with a pandemic of this magnitude. COVID-19 has killed hundreds of thousands of people. My homeboy I went to high school with was a victim and one of my sons lost his grandmother to the virus. I thank God for sparring my life and the lives of my wife, our parents and our children.

The Lord had placed it on my heart to tell you that as our lives slowly start to get back to normal we must keep our eyes focused on Him and not allow ourselves to be distracted by the desires of our flesh and the world around us. We need Spiritual blinders that will force us to keep looking toward the Kingdom of God.

We don’t want to be like the Israelites who escaped slavery in Egypt but died in the wilderness and never saw the Promised Land. It was Joshua and Caleb who looked at the opposition and still believed God would give them the victory over the Canaanites and allow them to occupy the land they were promised.

We must be like Joshua and Caleb in these times. A lot of us are close to a breakthrough. Some of us are starting to see the early manifestations of our dreams. We are writing business plans and starting LLCs. God is putting people in our lives to help us achieve our goals. The closer we get to our goals the more opposition we may experience. I can’t apply for an EIN because the IRS is shut down. This is just one example of opposition that we are facing in our pursuit of the promise God has for us. Opposition is not a sign that we are supposed to give up. Opposition gives us an opportunity to glorify God by looking at Him as the source of our strength and our way maker. We can’t afford be like the Israelites who heard the report of the giants in Canaan and immediately lost faith and accepted defeat.

We can’t forget that God has already given us the Victory. Joshua 1:8-9 says “Study this Book of Instruction continually. Meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it. Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do. This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord, your God is with you wherever you go.”

Our breakthrough and our success depend on our obedience to this simple command. God promises us that if we obey His commandments we will prosper and succeed in all we do. The Word of God is the blinder I was talking about early. If we can immerse ourselves in the scriptures, we will not allow ourselves to be distracted by the opposition.

Love ya’ll!