Hey Fam,
I turned 45 last month and I’m concerned about my future health. I don’t want to die anytime soon. I want to live a long life. Not only do I want to live a long life I want to be that 100-year-old man that challenges his grandchildren to push up contests at the Fourth of July cookout.

The adults in my family dealt with and died from various diseases. To me it seemed the most common killer was what they referred to as “Sugar”. Sugar was the word the old folks used to refer to Type 2 Diabetes. When I became an adult, I learned that Type 2 Diabetes was controllable. I learned that Type 2 Diabetes could be managed with a healthy lifestyle consisting of exercise and a healthy diet.

I confess that living a healthy lifestyle isn’t an easy task. I don’t know about you but for me the hard part is getting there and sticking to the plan. Like you, I want to live a healthy lifestyle, but I fall short because the choices I make throughout the day don’t line up with my long-term health goals. We have to make better choices when it comes to our health, but we don’t want to bite off more than we can chew. I mean, let’s not give ourselves plans that are unrealistic. Here is my suggestion, let’s make some minor adjustments so minor that it doesn’t require extreme changes to our lives. That way we will be likely to stick to the plan. Maybe I will commit to cutting the chips and soft drinks. Then as far as exercise maybe I will commit to 15 minutes of exercise each day. I know it doesn’t sound like much but it’s a start and as time goes by, I will add more restrictions to the diet and add more time for exercise.

I’m not going to worry about what you are doing. I can’t get caught up in comparing my diet and exercise plan to yours. Just because you’re going vegan and running 10 miles every day doesn’t mean that’s what I’m supposed to do. Your plan is what you are comfortable committing to. My plan will be what I’m comfortable committing to.

As a Christian, we can take all our cares to our Father in prayer (Philippians 4:6-7) . Let’s go to God in prayer and ask Him to give us the plan He intends for us to follow. Our Father in Heaven knows our needs and He already has an answer for us. We must also ask God to give us the discipline we need to stick to the plan. Again, we can go to the Father in prayer and He will give us the desires of our heart (Psalm 37:4).

I can’t wait to hear how your plan is working out for you. I don’t know about you, but I have great expectations not of myself but of the Mighty God we serve.